If You Know What’s In These Pictures, You’re Old

Want to feel old? There are certain items from our distant past that you scarcely see anymore. A younger generation likely has no idea what in the heck some of these things even are! That officially makes you old. Yes, if you can recognize a majority of the items from pictures on this list, you’re an ancient has-been whose better days are far behind you. We kid! Of course, you’re not decrepit! You’ve just lived a life and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Have You Eaten Food from One of These?


If you have prepared or eaten food from the object above, bless you. This old crockpot may seem like a relic to many kids today, who may not know what to make of it. However, looking at the well-worn pot, one can easily imagine the countless meals and dinners that have been cooked within it over the years.

These crockpots are truly awesome kitchen tools that have stood the test of time. The depth of use and history baked into this particular pot is a testament to its durability and the cherished role it has played in many households over the decades. Though they may seem antiquated to some, these classic crockpots continue to be invaluable appliances for home-cooked comfort food.

If You Know How to Use This, You’re Old

Old Pictures

You are certifiably ancient if you have used one of these pumps. Although, you can still come across them deep in the country most gas stations today have upgraded to self-pay modold boys definitely have that vintage look that signifies their ages and exactly how long they’ve been in use. We love to see these things through time.

Did You Watch ‘Movies’ With One of These?

Old Pictures

You are certifiably ancient if you have used one of these pumps. Although, you can still come across them deep in the country most gas stations today have upgraded to self-pay models. They absolutely have that vintage look that signifies their ages and exactly how long they’ve been in use. We love to see these things through time.

If You Put Putty to Paper, We’ve Got News for You

Old Pictures

​​Did you find smashing putty on a newspaper to be the coolest thing in the entire world as a kid? You really had no idea what the internet would bring, did you? This old trick definitely brings back memories of when we were younger and had a lot more time to enjoy the little things. We kinda want one now.

If You Know What This Is Used for, You Were Into Necking

Old Pictures

The pandemic brought about a drive-in movie renaissance but before that many folks had never been to one. If you know what’s on this metal thing, you have lived a whole life full of popcorn and milk duds. This picture definitely feels like it should be full of cars and people. We wouldn’t mind if these came back into popularity.

What Were We Thinking?

Old Pictures

If you’ve ever applied make-up in one of these lighted mirrors, congratulations you were likely born at least 35 years ago. These mirrors were first released in 1970 by GE and they were a hot-ticket item back in the day, and they definitely made you feel like a star getting ready for their next show. We definitely miss those times!

If Have Made Coffee In Any of These, You’re Old

Old Pictures

Percolators were huge for decades and while people still use them, most don’t look like these today. The only excuse you might have to be a young one and have brewed java in one of these is if you’re an avid camper. Otherwise, your insides are dusty trash. In any case, these old things are a beauty to look at.

Ever Seen This In a Car?

Old Pictures

They don’t make them like they used to, do they? If you’ve ever driven a car with this little device inside of it, you’re likely reaching the age when it’s unsafe to drive. This is a high-low switch for lights. A lot of us probably haven’t seen seen these in a car ourselves but we know that they’re kinda cool.

If You’ve Seen a Soda Vending Machine Like This…

Old Pictures

For those who don’t know, congratulations on your youth. That little door on the left opens for you to pull your soda from. How things have changed! Isn’t it crazy how somethings look so different from the time between our grandparents generation to ours now. This blue machine is definfitiely a classic and isn’t it so cool to look at.

If Your Couch Had a Blanket Like This, Sorry

Old Pictures

You might have fond memories of a similar blanket and if you do, you’re old. Afghan blankets were a huge trend in the 1970s but they have fallen from favor today. It was good while it lasted! These blankets are definitely beautiful though, and we’d like it if they came back into style soon. It’s definitely worth the wait though.

Love Me Tender

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Did you have a wooden meat tenderizer in your home? Was it only used once a year? Wooden meat tenderizers have not been favored in modern kitchens today. If you’ve swung one, you’re not long for this world. But even then meat tenderizers like this might still be getting passed down in your families. Your family might just have one.

The Agony & Ecstasy

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If you remember the government cheese, you’re old. This processed cheese was subsidized and used by the military, food banks, food stamp programs, and much more to deliver quality dairy goodness to folks. There were certainly times when we all had a taste of this cheese and it actually didn’t taste as bad as usual. That might not be common.

Are These Torture Devices?

Old Pictures

If you know what these are, you are simply prehistoric. While these might look like torture devices from the Middle Ages, they are actually used to crack nuts. Generally, an assortment of old, old nuts. We love how cool these look and can see how many years  have shaped these tools into what they are today. Aren’t they kinda awesome?

These Were Not Made for Music

Old Pictures

If you have only seen these bad boys employed to play music, do you know what was done with them before that? If you’ve seen one in action, you’re as old as hills. These old washboards were used to help scrub laundry clean and definitely took a lot of work. But either of the uses definitely lead to something good.

RELATED: So True! One Mom Compares Today’s Music to 90s Music and ‘Let’s Just Have Fun’

Ding Dongs Were Lit

Old Pictures

Did you ever eat a ding dong that had been previously wrapped in foil? Is so, you’ll never experience that joy again, sorry. That satisfying feeling of peeling the foil off and watching it crumble in your hands. They’re great! We loved these delicious treats and their wrapping. We wouldn’t mind if these cakes went back to their old packaging.

Do You Know Her Secret?

Old Pictures

If you happen to know what’s hiding underneath this doll’s dress, you are first, perverse, and second, very old. Why did you EVER look under there? You should be ashamed. What we can say is that this doll’s creative outfit was definitely one of the more iconic doll outfits that make it onto this list. This doll is definitely cute!

Did You Play with These?

Old Pictures

If you played a game of jacks, you likely still have the intentions they made in the bottom of your feet still there. And, you’re long in the tooth. Stepping on Legos > Stepping on Jacks. These tiny toys are absolutely hidden assassins when it comes to toys that you step on because they blend into the floor way too well.


Old Pictures

Have you ever felt the pleasure of a young person at the mall shoving your foot into one of these? If you’re old, you know these things are no joke! As the years have passed, you see these things in stores less and less, but we definitely remember playing with these tools whenever we went shopping at a shoe store.

Do You Know What Comes Out of This?

Old Pictures

Before the advent of the microwave, older people used to have to make popcorn on a stove. Both methods can result in a fire but one is not like the other. This type of popcorn comes with the added anticipation of watching the foil grow right between your eyes and being excited for it to reach its true final size.

Bring Back Memories?

Old Pictures

If this picture immediately made you think of a long-lost scent, you’re not alone! You’re just old. We must say, the youths are missing out on this aromatherapy device. This toy cap gun not only brings back the memories of a childhood that is a little far away for some of us. We remember how much fun these toys were.

What Even Is This?

Old Pictures

If you know what this is, you’re a living legend. They don’t make these like they used to, really! If we’re remembering correctly, these are the cigarette lighter plugs that used to be in old cars. Over time, their designs have changed slightly but their use has always been the same. Did you recognize this thing at first? We didn’t.

Do You Remember?

Old Pictures

Well, many of our schools are underfunded so perhaps these are still around, but they really should not be. If you don’t know what this magical device does, did you learn anything? We can’t say that we had pleasant experiences with these fountains, but they were a very prominent  part if our childhood, and it did make it more memorable.

Have You Ever?

Old Pictures

If you know what this is, chances are you’ve been shaving for a LONG time. This looks like the perfect gift for dad circa 1973. The smell has never left you if you’ve had the pleasure of using these products. This combination of tools brings back memories of watching our dads shave in the mirror and that memory is sacred.

Can You Hear It?

Old Pictures

If this old picture made you think of the exact sound this machine used to make, how are you even still with us? Children, old tills were used before you bought things on an iPad.  Today these old registers were a symbol of a business thats been around for quite a long time, and it’s it good to see it?

What’s This?

Old Pictures

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of enjoying a meal at a table like this, you should expect to have your last any day now. These tables were once in just about every kitchen in America. Now, when is the last time you saw one? We love to see these old tables whenever we come across them. This table’s great!

There you go! We hope you enjoyed these pictures of old things that young folks will be clueless about. We realize that this is not an exact science but if you admit to knowing what any of those things are, you’re simply washed up. If you enjoyed this list and are looking for even more fun, take a look at these fun Seinfeld memes that brilliantly capture the magic of the show!

Take a Look At These Hilarious Seinfeld Memes and Try Your Best Not to Laugh!

Good Morning

Seinfeld Memes

Let’s kick off this list of Seinfeld memes with one of the best of the best. We find Elaine on a morning commute. “These disgusting animals. These people should all be in a cage,” the meme says. If you’ve ever lived in a city big enough to have a train network, you know that the morning commute is a test of will. We’re sure there are many folks who can relate to this one.

Still Slaps

Seinfeld Memes

“You know, a lot of these scratches will buff right out…” the caption for this meme reads. Have you ever bought a car off of Craigslist only to find the vehicle was not as advertised? If so, this one’s for you. There’s something to be said about optimists and trying to make the best out of an impossible situation.

We’ve All Been There

Seinfeld Memes

This is one of the Seinfeld memes that perfectly captures the essence of the show. “So, what did you do last night?” Jerry asks. “Nothing,” Elaine responds and she really means it. For a show that’s seemingly about nothing, we find so much substance in the subtle interactions about everyday life.

The Style Icon

Seinfeld Memes

“Everyone is trying to dress like George Costanza these days,” the caption for this meme reads. Take a close look at each of George’s sartorial choices and you’ll quickly realize the things he wore that seemed absolutely uncool at the time are actually in style today. Giant puffer jackets, jumpsuits, clear-framed glasses, and fanny packs have all made a comeback. What a legend!


Seinfeld Memes

In case this was not immediately clear, this meme uses JAY-Z’s “99 Problems” to bring it to life. “If you’re having girl problems, I feel bad for you son…” the setup reads. “Stick a fork in me, Jerry, I’m done,” Kramer replies. What a true gem!

It Feels Right

Seinfeld Memes

“When you beat Google Maps’ estimated arrival time by 3 minutes,” the setup reads. “Nobody drives like me. Nobody,” George says. This is one of the best Seinfeld memes for those of us who take deep pleasure in arriving at your destination even the slightest bit earlier than the ETA Google Maps predicts. It really can feel like an achievement.

Adulting Is Hard

Seinfeld Memes

We had to include one of the best Seinfeld memes for parents out there. “When you can’t sleep on weekends anymore,” the setup for this meme reads. “I’m on no sleep, no sleep,” Seinfeld says. We’re pretty certain there are countless parents out there who have been robbed of sleeping in on the weekends thanks to their brood. We too are on “no sleep, no sleep.”

What a Dream

Seinfeld Memes

“It’s a Festivus miracle!” Kramer proclaims. Who else has managed to end the year with your leftover vacation days so you don’t have to work? It’s no easy feat but when it is done right, it certainly feels miraculous. This is such a great meme to send around the holidays, especially to coworkers and friends in your office.

Life Is Happening Too Fast

Seinfeld Memes

“When Facebook shows you a memory from 7 years ago,” the setup for this meme reads. “Look away, I’m… I’m hideous,” the caption of Kramer’s dialogue reads. Who among us has ever taken a look at one of those memories and realized you might not be aging as gracefully as you thought? It can feel like a cruel joke but you can take it.

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