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Friday Funny: Top 20 Cow One-liners

# 20  When cows get sick what do you call it? Hay Fever

#19  Why did the cow jump over the moon? To get to the Milky Way

#18  Why don’t cows have money? Because farmers milk them dry

#17  Why did the cow kick Roy Rogers? She heard he was a cowpuncher

# 16  Where do steers go to dance?  The Meat Ball

# 15  What do you call a cow in an earthquake? A Milkshake

# 14  What do you call a cow with no ears?  Call her all you want, she won’t hear you

# 13  Why do cows were bells?  Their horns don’t work

# 12  What do you call cows with a sense of humor? Laughing stock

# 11  Why don’t cows understand what you say? Because it goes in one ear and out the udder

# 10  How did the farmer find his lost cow? He tractor down

# 9  Where do baby cows get their food? The cafeteria

# 8  What is the most important use for cowhide? Holding the cow together

# 7  What do you call a cow with two legs?  Lean Beef

# 6  What do you call a cow with no legs?  Ground Beef

# 5   What do you call a cow that won’t give milk? An udder failure or a milk dud

# 4  What do you call sleeping male cattle?  Bulldozers

# 3   What do you get from pampered cows? Spoiled milk

# 2  Did you hear about the cow that tried to jump a barbwire fence? It was an udder disaster

And my all time favorite:

# 1  What do you call a cow after she has given birth?

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